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Friday 2 December 2011

Mathematics Teaching Across Multicultural Context

Mathematics Teaching Across Multicultural Context
By Latif Kurniawan
Pmatsub ’09 (09301241042)
Yogyakarta State University
A.    Introduction
Different pond has their different fish, we often heard this proverb. This proverb has broad meaning because different country has different laws, different goals, different culture, etc. It is possible that in different country has different context in mathematics teaching. Every contry has their own paradigm on mathematics education. Its happened because the differences of their country aims. Perhaps mathematics teaching in Indonesia different with mathematics teaching in Singapore, although Indonesia and Singapore reside in same region.
In some papers that I have read, from many mathematics education expert from various countries that participate in APEC- Ubon Ratchathani International Symposium 2011, almost of them has same ideas about mathematics teaching learning. The experties try to make mathematics is easy to understand by student, but the ways in achieving the goals are different.
Almost, the experties regarding the importance  of facilitate the student in learning mathematics, the mathematics teaching methods, mathematics modeling, etc. By read their papers we can see that they concern in how to innovate their ways in learn activities in the class.  Many experties presented their papers at the conference in Ubon, delivering innovative learning mathematics. They bring their own perspective in learning mathematics. We can learn their ways and addapt its in Indonesia if their ways are more effective and effisien in aplication in the class.
B.     Mathematics Teaching in Indonesia and Singapore from Developing Textbook Appearance
1.    Indonesian Context: the works of Marsigit and R. Rosnawati
Student’s achievment in the mathematics and science is low, as indicated by the result of the National Leaving Examination year by year both in Primary and Secondary School (Marsigit, 2010)[1]. This happened as the result of:
a)      the shortage of laboratory activities
b)      lack of teachers having mastered science process skill approach
c)      contents on Mathematics and Science curriculum too crowded
d)     too many time consuming administration stipulation for teachers
e)      lack of laboratory equipment and laboratory human resource
To improve that conditions, Indonesia now use KTSP as national curriculum.  In KTSP curriculum, mathematics in primary and secondary school should encourage the students to think logically, analytically, systematically, critically, creatively and be able to collaborate with others. One of the method of teaching learning that applied in Indonesia is Problem Solving Approach. And to promote problem solving activities more effectively they need:
a)      to make good atmosphere for teaching and learning
b)      to promote to implement various teaching methods and teaching learning resources
c)      to give the chances for their students to perform their initiatives
d)     to promote cooperative learning
e)      to support the students to be the active learner
One way to implementing Problem Solving Approach in the class is use textbook and Marsigit said that the most difficulties they feel to face if they should develop textbook for junior mathematics is about their lack of skill and knowledge of writing mathematical textbook[2]. The efforts of developing textbook for Vocational Senior High School mathematics we need to have a clear picture on how to plan and implement activities in the classroom. The problem solving based mathematics textbook in the Vocational Senior High School can be developed based on the criteria outlined by Polya and Pasmep that are[3]:
a)      Trial and Error
b)      Making diagram
c)      Trying the simple problem
d)     Making Table
e)      Finding the pattern
f)       Breaking down the goal
g)      Considering the possibilities
h)      Thinking Logically
i)        Reversing the Order
j)        Identifying the impossibility

2.    Singapore Context: the works of Peggy Foo
In 2004, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in his inaugural National Day Rally Speech urged Singapore schools to “Teach Less” so that our students can “Learn More” (MOE Press Release, 2005). In 2005, the Ministry of Education (MOE) of Singapore adopted the Teach Less, Learn More (TLLM) movement which is about teaching better, to engage our learners and prepare them for life, rather than teaching for tests and examinations[4]. Singapore effort to enhance the professional expertise of their teachers by developing each school into a Professional Learning Community (PLC).
The key objective of establishing schools as PLCs is to improve instructional practice that leads to improved student learning outcomes. Each PLC will embrace 3 Big Ideas, namely (DuFour & Eaker, 1998)[5],
a)      Focus on Student Learning
b)      Focus on Collaborative Culture
c)      Focus on Data-Driven Outcomes
Within a PLC, teachers are grouped into learning teams. Each team is guided by 4 critical questions on improving instructional approaches in the classroom. They are:
a)      What is it we expect students to learn?
b)      How will we know when they have learned it?
c)      How will we respond when they don't learn?
d)     How will we respond when they already know it?
Lesson Study become popular in Singapore schools and it provides opportunities for teachers to enhance their knowledge through collaborative efforts in designing a lesson plan, observing a real lesson and discussing observations of student learning. These four factors have been identified to play a significant role in promoting mathematical thinking in the respective research lessons:
a)      identified is the choice of tasks
b)      use of variations
c)      use of manipulatives
d)     scaffolding through the use of effective questions
Such findings can be made more explicit in teacher training to help teachers plan and design their lessons (with a focus on mathematical thinking) more effectively. They are also useful in refining Mathematics textbooks since there is evidence that the four factors have already appeared in the Singapore’s Primary Mathematics textbooks but perhaps more can be done to improve the quantity and quality of open-ended tasks and good questions in textbooks for different levels[6].
C.    Conclusion
Lesson study is more developed in Singapore than in Indonesia, it’s encouraging teacher in Singapore is more advanced in developing lesson plan. Intensification of lesson study activities in Singapore also encourages teacher to be more advanced in developing teaching methods. In Singapore, teachers are better able to make suitable textbook for their student. In Indonesia is still constained teacher experience factor and the cost so that teacher in Indonesia less able to develope or make a textbook.

[1] Marsigit and R. Rosnawati. 2011. Teachers’ Simulation on Developing Problem Solving-Based Mathematics Textbook in Vocational Senior High School Mathematics Teaching in Indonesia. Yogyakarta State University Indonesia
[2] ibid
[3] ibid
[4] Peggy Foo. 2011. Improving Lessons on Mathematical Thinking through Lesson Study ~ 3 Case Studies. Marshall Cavendish Institute
[5] ibid
[6] ibid

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